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3M - III Fine Compound Polish 09375

3M - III Fine Compound Polish 09375

Regular price $83.78 AUD
Regular price $0.00 AUD Sale price $83.78 AUD
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  • Model Number: 7100095151
  • Item Package Quantity: 1
  • Package Weight: 1140 grams
  • Package Dimensions (L x B x H) in cm: 8 x 8 x 27.5

The Fine Grinding Paste 09375 is Perfect for removing Fine drag marks, such as Waschstrassenkratzer or to rejuvenate by weathered Lacken. processing may be provided only by Polisher
the 3.28 yrd (3 m) Perfect-it III Fine Grinding Paste 09375 is ideal to remove fine Schleifriefen Waschstrassenkratzern, or to the earning of weathered Lacken. Best craftsmanship with a polishing machine at 1500–2000 U / min.
machine processing:
3.28 yrd (3 m) Perfect-it III 50487 09550 for moderate abrasion
3.28 yrd (3 m) Polierfell 01930 for high abrasion
Manual workmanship:
ProfiPolishTM Auftragspad PP964A
*not be combined with other Sonderangeboten or Preisvorteilen.
for a high-gloss Finish making them thereafter:
3.28 yrd (3 m) Antihologrammpolitur 50383 for dark colours
3.28 yrd (3 m) Mirror Polish 09376 for bright colours
for sustainable protection of the surface of the final application:
3.28 yrd (3 m) Polish Pink AutoStyle 80345 Hochleistungswachs
3.28 yrd (3 m) Perfect-it Fine Grinding Paste is also available in a money-saving Set.

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